DONATION UPDATE: We are open for donations and have a new donation container outside Stansted House, Shire Hill, Saffron Walden CB11 3WA
We rely on donations of pre-loved clothing from local people so we can offer our clients a range of clothing in various sizes.
Please can all donations be sorted into age ranges, to help our volunteers get the clothes to those who need them as quickly as possible.
What we accept
What we will not accept
Please can all donations be sorted into age ranges
There is a clothing donation container outside Stansted House, Shire Hill, Saffron Walden CB11 3WA
Please contact us if you have any queries about donations -
Our volunteers collect donations, sort clothes and store them, pack items for families and deliver them to outreach centres. We generally look for volunteers to work 2-3 hours a week, and you need to be at least 16 years old. If you are enthusiastic and would like to help please do get in touch.
We try to keep our financial overheads to a minimum, however there are certain costs associated with running a charity such as rent and rates, buying storage boxes, printing, and hosting a website. We rely on financial donations and grants to cover any costs we have.